Occasionally, life and circumstances get in the way of the things we love to do. When this happens, you have those who can provide information to help you stay connected to patrolling and make decisions that leave you options for returning to patrolling when appropriate.

Every region in the division has an Alumni Advisor who can help you. Contact them to start a conversation, or contact me, Allan Miller, Eastern Division’s Alumni Advisor, and we will guide you.  Our goal is to help all NSP members stay patrolling or get back into patrolling without losing the certifications earned over the years.

Alumni Advisors Are Available to Help Provide Guidance

Eastern Division

Allan Miller
Division Alumni Advisor

Central NY Region

Scott Launt
CNY Alumni Advisor

Eastern NY Region

Dan Crandell
ENY Alumni Advisor

Genesee Valley Region

Skip Miller
GV Alumni Advisor

New Hampshire Region

Patricia Jordan
NH Alumni Advisor

Northern Vermont Region

Dave Carter
NVT Alumni Advisor

Southern NY Region

Jerald Rohling
SNY Alumni Advisor

Western Mass Region

Ann Migliaccio
WMass Alumni Advisor

Connecticut Region

Robert Cassello
CT Alumni Advisor

EMARI Region

Tina Jarvis
EMARI Alumni Advisor

Eastern PA Region

Ed Conaway
EPA Alumni Advisor

Maine Region

Don Emerson
Maine Alumni Advisor

New Jersey Region

Ralph Cooke
New Jersey Alumni Advisor

Southern Vermont Region

John Crandall
SVT Alumni Advisor

Western App Region

Bill Smith IV
WApp Alumni Advisor

Western NY Region

Ralph Estep
WNY Alumni Advisor