2023 Memorial Fund Scholarship Award Winners
It was my pleasure to announce the nine patrollers who were awarded scholarships or received honorable mentions from the Memorial Scholarship Fund at the 2023 Spring Officer’s Meeting Banquet. Be sure to congratulate them when you see them on the slopes this winter.
Scholarships $1,000

Luke Wester
Cornell University, Hotel Administration
Luke currently patrols near school at Greek Peak in CNY, but has patrolled at Mt. Southington in CT where he was named Mt. Southington and CT YAP of the year. He also patrolled with his father at Wintergreen, WV near their home in VA. He said, “I am a second-generation ski patroller, and I often patrol with my father who has patrolled at seven different ski resorts throughout his life. My father is in the military, so I have moved 10 times, experiencing different ski resorts across the United States, mostly on the east coast. After college, I hope to go into the ski resort industry, running hotels or overseeing certain ski resort operations. I have an internship lined up this summer at a hotel in Aspen where I will be learning more about running the ski resort. No matter what I end up doing though, I will continue to volunteer as a ski patroller, as it is by far one of my favorite pastimes and has helped me with adjusting to new places and meeting new people.”

Margaret Nebzydoski
University of Vermont, Nutrition & Food Sciences
Maggie patrols at Elk Mountain in EPA and is the daughter of Matt Nebzydoski, ED OET Supervisor. She has patrolled for four years, and in that time completed Senior OET and Instructor Development. Her college activities include the UVM Ski & Snowboard Club, Student Nutrition Association, and UVM Feel Good which raises money for the Hunger Project. Maggie is also participating in a research project that studies the well-being of college students. Regarding patrolling, she said, “Ski Patrol has played a much larger role in my life than I could have ever imagined. I have learned essential life skills that helped me become a better student. I am so grateful for the person ski patrol has made me, and the work ethic I developed as a result has helped me excel in all that I do.”

Eliot Jablonski
College of the Holy Cross, English/History
Eli patrols at the National Winter Activity Center in NJ, along with his father, Jeff, and brother, Nate, where he was a Bandaid patroller for several years before becoming a patroller. Subsequently, he became an OEC Instructor. As an Eagle Scout, his project was to organize and lead the cleaning and restoration of veterans’ gravestones in the Soldier’s Circle at Arlington Cemetery in Kearny, NJ. In high school, he played varsity baseball and was a member of the National Science Honor Society and the National French Honor Society. In addition to French, Eli has also studied Latin. Last year he traveled to Rome, learning more about that ancient language, but also, as he puts it, “the sophistication, genius, and creativity of the civilization that created it.” He said, “The old and new coalesced for me at the Vatican, where a recognition of tradition permits a deeper understanding of our responsibilities in the present.” Eli was recently named the 2023 National Outstanding Young Adult Patroller.

Liam Ferguson
Purdue University, Aviation Management
Liam commutes 2.5 hours each way from Northern VA to volunteer at Canaan Valley, in WAPP, where he’s a third-generation patroller. His extracurricular activities in high school included the Dungeons & Dragons club, soccer, and the table tennis club. He is also an Eagle Scout. Liam said, “Ski patrol has made me a better person, gaining a better understanding of business, human interaction, and stress. I have also been exposed to different viewpoints and have gained a lot of experience working on a team as well as being a leader. My life goal is to become an EMS helicopter pilot. To accomplish this, I need to go to college; then I plan to join the Coast Guard. Becoming a pilot is a long and arduous process, and my experience as a ski patroller has helped, and will continue to help, keep me fit and to guide me towards becoming a better team player.”

Aidan Coco
University of New Hampshire, Biomedical Science/Medical Laboratory Science Option
Aidan patrols at Bousquet Ski Patrol in WMASS. He was a member of the New England Youth Cycling cross-country mountain bike racing team, the Shire Shredders; plus a high school ski racer and president of the Longfellow chapter of the National Honor Society. In addition to volunteering as a patroller, he has also volunteered as an anatomy & physiology tutor, in the Thanksgiving Angels food drive, and for the Josh Billings Triathlon. Having participated in an attempt to save a life while patrolling, Aidan shared the following. “While this accident was difficult for a very long list of obvious reasons, I would like to reflect on how well the patrol came together to help with the incident leaving me to feel a sense of family unlike ever before. As everyone made sure that those who were part of the accident were getting along alright, I never felt more content with my choice to join the patrol. Ski patrol is more than just a job to everyone at Bousquet and it shows. I do not know where I would be without it.”
Honorable Mentions $250

Josie Kelly
Keuka College, Occupational Therapy
Josie is a member of the Sawmill Ski Patrol in WAPP. Following graduation, she is interested in working in either acute care or mental health. At college, she is a Keuka College Student Trustee, a Peer Mentor, runs on the Woman’s Cross Country Team, and is a member of the Student Occupational Therapy Association. On weekends, Josie often travels back home to Pennsylvania from New York State to patrol at Sawmill with her father, Curtis.

Wyatt Carniglia
Norwich University, ROTC
Wyatt patrols at Whiteface Mountain in ENY. He, his father, and his sister all joined the patrol together. In high school, Wyatt played both varsity baseball and soccer, was on the trap shooting team, and was the school mascot for basketball games. He also served as the Cadet Squadron Commander for the Green Mountain Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol. Wyatt received the Army National ROTC Scholarship to study at Norwich University where he would like to be a part of the Mountain Cold Weather Company Corps. His long-term goal is to become a MedEvac helicopter pilot.

Maia Merriman
Lafayette College, Chemical Engineering/Art dual major
Maia patrols at Blue Mountain in EPA. She has completed Instructor Development and plans to take an EMT bridge course. In high school, she was in the Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, on the Debate Team, ran Track & Field, and was a member of the Ski Club. In college, Maia is a member of the Student Government, Engineers Without Borders, the Society of Women Engineers, and the Ski and Board Club. A Girl Scout Gold Award recipient her project was to organize and digitally catalog her school’s music library. When she completes her studies, Maia would like to work in material development for medical devices or improving technologies in the medical field
Ryan Bellemore
University of Vermont, Biology, Pre-Med track
Ryan patrols at Nashoba Valley in EMARI where he received Outstanding Junior Patroller and Outstanding Instructor awards. In high school, he played football and was a member of the Health Occupation Students of America. Ryan has volunteered with the Groton and Westford Fire Departments for several years and recently earned both National and Massachusetts State EMT Certifications. He was the Hans Hyson Award winner at the 2023 Young Adult Patroller Summit.
The 2024 scholarship application period opens on January 1, 2024, and runs through March 31, 2024. If you’d like to learn more, visit the Memorial Fund webpage, or contact fund advisor Harriet Frawley.