The 2024 National Board Elections begins on October 15. This year, 14 candidates are running to fill four open seats.
You are encouraged to read the platforms of all of the candidates on the 2024 NSP Board Election page. You must sign in to your account to access the election information. There have been several forums via Zoom to talk to the candidates and ask questions. If you missed the first two, videos of the forums are available to watch at the same link. The last candidate forum will take place on Wednesday, October 16 at 8pm Eastern time.
You will receive notification via email when voting begins on Tuesday, October 15. Please make sure your email address is current in your NSP profile before October 15. If you do not receive a ballot on October 15, check your spam folder, or go to, sign in, and click the ACCESS YOUR BALLOT button to see the candidate platforms and the election ballot. The election closes on December 1.
Amendment Proposal: In addition, on the bottom of the same page, there is a ballot proposal to amend the NSP bylaws to grant full voting rights and traditional membership to NSP Mountain Hosts. This will be a “Yes” or “No” vote.
If you have any questions, please ask your patrol representative or region director. Thank you for participating in the governance of the National Ski Patrol.