Shorter days, and longer and cooler nights. The unmistakable signs of Fall are all around us – and that means three things: OEC Refreshers, vote in the National Board election, and get ready for snow! This has been a long, hot, and busy summer but I actually had skis on August 27 after a freak hailstorm deposited piles of white stuff around our house in North Creek, NY; just couldn’t resist the photo opportunity! Seriously, business is picking up all across the Division – and the pace will only increase for the next several months.
OEC Refresher Season
Feedback on the OEC Cycle B online and skills refreshers has been very positive. Most who have completed their refreshers agree that this year’s online modules are more user-friendly and effective than last year’s and the skills refresher is straightforward. Many thanks to all of the OEC Instructors and Instructor Trainers who deliver the refreshers. We couldn’t do this without you!
NSP National Board Elections
Fourteen candidates are running for four National Board of Directors seats this year. The candidates’ names were announced in a special edition of Sweep on September 13, along with dates for three candidate forums that will be conducted via Zoom on September 30, October 8, and October 16. Please mark your calendars and try to attend as many of these forums as possible. The Eastern Division leadership team will be well represented, and we will develop some recommendations based on what we hear at the forums. Most of all, I highly encourage everyone to vote. Turnout has historically been low, so every vote matters more than you might think! Voting will run from October 15 through December 1, 2024 so don’t miss the opportunity to influence the future of NSP.
Preparing to get back on snow is serious business. Biking, hiking, working outdoors, or hitting the gym are all great ways to get in shape. Most agree that trying to ‘ski yourself into shape’ is ineffective, so don’t wait! And if you need some additional inspiration, consider attending https://snowboundexpo.com/ (aka the Boston Ski Show). Eastern Division will have a booth; please contact Simon Thomas if you would like to help.