National Chair Richard Pietrafesa (red sweater) and Executive Direxctor Stephanie Cox talking with CNY members

The CNY Region held a “Meet and Greet” at Song Mountain on February 8, 2024, with NSP CEO Stephanie Cox and National Chair Richard Pietrafesa. Overall, Stephanie and Rich have a positive outlook about the past and future of NSP but also know we face the constant challenges of recruitment of new, and the retention of, patrollers. Stephanie spent well over three hours talking to our members about their current take on the direction we’re heading. She had one-on-one time with local members and discussed in detail what their thoughts and concerns are regarding this new route. Everyone in attendance at the meeting was impressed with Stephanie’s poise and clarity of vision for the National Ski Patrol.

During this meeting the CNY Region had a prime opportunity to recognize Dave Malone, a 50-year hero! Stephanie had the honor of presenting Dave his Eastern Division 50-year pin. A huge congratulations and thank you to Dave for his service and dedication as the legal advisor to the CNY Region for the last 40 years. Thank you to Rich and Tom Hughes for the coordination and great success of this event.

The following day Stephanie and Rich proceeded to Watertown, New York to meet with the 10th Mountain Division. Included were DD Cal Goldsmith and Division Historian John Beach along with First Sergeant Dan Fields (Light Fighter School 1SG and Watertown Ski Patroller) and Dave Martel (10th Mountain LNO and Watertown Ski Patrol Director). They had an office call with 10th Mountain Division’s top leaders Brigadier General Matt Braman (Deputy Commanding General, Support) and Command Sergeant Major Nema Mobar discussing the continued relationship and ongoing training between NSP and the 10th Mountain.

The culminating training event will be held in Colorado between 10th Mountain soldiers, the Colorado National Guard, and Eastern and Rocky Mountain Division patrollers. As part of 10th Mountain’s Legacy Day they will ski from Camp Hale to Vail Mountain. CNY patrollers have been critical in assisting the soldiers to be ready for this challenge.Â