2024 National Board Election Closes December 1
There are less than two weeks left to vote in the National Board of Director election. Currently, 13 candidates are running to fill four open seats.
You are encouraged to read the platforms of all of the candidates at www.nsp.org on the Access Your Ballot page and participate in the election. There have been three forums to meet the candidates and ask questions. If you missed them, they are available to watch on the NSP website.
If you have not yet voted, please go to www.nsp.org, sign in, and click the Access Your Ballot button to see the candidate platforms and the election ballot. The election closes on December 1.
Amendment Proposal: In addition, there is a ballot proposal to amend the NSP bylaws to grant full voting rights and traditional membership to NSP Mountain Hosts. This will be a “Yes” or “No” vote.
Please participate in the NSP BOD election. If you have any questions, please ask your Patrol Representative or Region Director. Thank you for participating in the governance of the National Ski Patrol.